Many security cameras export video in a proprietary format called DAV which is difficult to work with. I wrote this program to convert DAV videos into standard MP4 video.

I’ve worked on several projects involving video from security cameras, and in most cases the video was stored in the proprietary DAV (Dahua Video) format. The vendor software that works with DAV video is awful to the point of being unusable - crashing constantly, inconsistent seeking and labelling of times, finicky interface that sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. After installing DAV software from several different security camera manufacturers I got fed up and wrote this program to convert a large collection of DAV video files into standard MP4 video. It also creates subtitles with the running timestamps to make it clear as you seek and view through the video where you are. The DAV video files are sometimes broken up into hundreds of small segments showing just a few minutes in each file. This program will also merge contiguous video files into single larger MP4 video files.

I recommend using the excellent and free VLC media player to view video and display the subtitles.

This program is written in Python, and calls ffmpeg to do the video conversion. You can grab the source code on Dav2Mp4’s github page . If all you want to do is USE the program, you can save yourself the trouble of installing Python and the ffmpeg binaries by grabbing the installation package I’ve put together with pyinstaller as a github release. You install it by unzipping the ZIP file into a folder and run it by double-clicking on dav2mp4.exe (Windows only for now, sorry).

If you have similar needs and want a feature added, email me or comment at the bottom of this page and I’ll add the feature if I can make time. If it’s a big request hire me to take care of your project!

Source code

For the curious, the source code follows:

# Dav2Mp4
# V1.4 - 2017
# GPLv3 license
# Convert folder full of surveillance system DAV videos to standard MP4 videos
# Works with NVR DAV files with filename convention:
#    NPV-CH<camera-channel>-<track:MAIN or ALT>-<yyyymmddhhMMss>-<yyyymmddhhMMss>{_1}.DAV
# This includes the ICrealtime, Dahua, and other camera systems
# Preserve embedded DAV DateTime info by using the filenames and DateTime subtitles
# Also merge hundreds of small clips into larger duration MP4 video files
# If you are having trouble converting your DAV files using this Dav2Mp4 you may need
# to choose the nuclear option: go purchase 'Amped DVRconv' which specializes in
# converting security cam video
# Note: The original EOM Dahua software, which is white-labelled by every other
# manufacturer is terrible. When playing video files the times do not match the
# filename's encoded times. The durations do not match. The timeline cursor starts
# in one area then jumps to another. Export fails more often than it succeeds with
# unhelpful errors such as 'file too small export failed'
# (tested with Dahua Smart Player 3.41.0.R.161031 and several other versions)
# BahamaSecurity DHAVI Batch Converter 3.34 works pretty well to convert DAV to AVI
#   It is both faster and converts closer (but not perfect) frame rates/durations
#   than ffmpeg. Use Dav2Mp4 to merge the hundreds of small AVIs and subtitle them.

# Python 3, tk, ttk, ffmpeg
# draw UI:
#    title
#    left: DAV folder, DAV file list, CONVERT button, right: MP4 folder, MP4 file list
#    progress bar
#    console/log
# on convert:
#    convert all DAV files to MP4 files (must convert before durations are available)
#    apply DateTime subtitles to MP4 files
#    merge adjacent time MP4 files

# Version history/roadmap:
# V0.1: basic UI to select DAV folder, MP4 folder
# V0.2: subprocess ffmpeg to convert DAV to MP4
# V0.3: build DateTime subtitle files
# V0.4: merge time-adjacent files from same camera/channel
# V0.5: dont make merged videos larger than maximum 2GB
# V0.6: handle files w same name same time period _1 suffix but different actual contents
#         use the larger one but note the exception
# V1.0: package into pyinstaller executable, make sure ffmpeg and ffprobe are in path or cwd
# V1.1: create 2 log files dav2mp4-log.txt and dav2mp4-debug.txt (w ffmpeg output)
# V1.2: checkboxes/settings for partial processing: Dav2Mp4, Merge Mp4s, timestamp subtitles
# V1.3: ability to work with BahamaSecurity batch converter.
#       Use Bahama to convert to avi, then merge and subtitle here
# V1.4: redo GUI to better show steps: dav->mp4, merge, subtitle
# TODO: burn/stamp DateTime subtitles onto mp4 videos
# TODO: handle mp4 duration differences from recorded filename duration - analyze for best results
# TODO: move ffmpeg into multithreading process and add CANCEL button so UI doesn't freeze
# TODO: about button w description, my contact info, GPL license
# TODO: Color filename backgrounds green as they are finished
#V2.0: Converting in background!
# TODO: add timestamps to log files
# TODO: minimize transcoding passes,
#       reduce 3 passes (dav->mp4,merge mp4s,burn subtitles) to as few passes as possible
# TODO: optimize video codecs/frame rates/options for transcoding
# TODO: add option to merge all files, even non-contiguous ones
# TODO: remember last used folders and default to them
# TODO: switch from ffmpeg to Dahua's SDK to transcode their proprietary frame rate weirdness
#       and get durations that are closer but still not correct.
#       SDK is C++, write command line davsdk2avi.exe infile-full-path outfile-full-path
# TODO: add support for filename convention: <cam>-<startdatetime>.DAV
# TODO: add fancy windows installer
# TODO: add instructions for build environment (pyinstaller, ffmpeg etc)
# TODO: support other subtitle formats other than SRT (ASS, SSA) and have options to set screen location
# TODO: add better error handling to catch any errors and display/log them nicely

# technique notes:
# Subtitles: line1: seqid, line2: starttime --> endtime, line3-n: text, blank-line
#   time= hh:mm:ss,ms eg 00:20:41,150
#   soft subtitles put in .srt file, show subtitles in viewer. hard: ffmpeg -vf
# video merging: (same codec) concat "demuxer" will merge without reencoding
#      ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i filelist.txt -c copy output.mp4 (stream copy no reencoding) (filelist.txt=file file1.mp4\nfile file2.mp4\nfile file3.mp4)
# querying duration:
#   ffprobe -v quiet -print_format compact=print_section=0:nokey=1:escape=csv -show_entries format=duration "$input_file" (in seconds) or -sexagesimal (in 00:20:00,200 format)
#   pipe=sp.Popen(['ffprobe'], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.STDOUT)
#   duration, err = pipe.communicate()

import sys, os, glob
import subprocess
import datetime
import collections
import shutil

from tkinter import * # no prefixes
import tkinter.scrolledtext as tkst
from tkinter import ttk # use ttk.prefix
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import messagebox

# init_commands:
# get path to executables:
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
  # we are running in a pyinstaller bundle
  bundle_dir = sys._MEIPASS
  # we are running in a normal Python environment
  bundle_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
FFMPEG = os.path.join( bundle_dir, 'ffmpeg.exe')
FFPROBE = os.path.join( bundle_dir, 'ffprobe.exe')

### Logging functions ##########################
#   note Python-style prefers module level fns over Java-style never-instantiated static Class methods

def path( folder, file):
  # use normpath to fix problems such as tk browser widget
  # always returning Linux paths even on Windows systems
  return( os.path.normpath(os.path.join( folder, file)))

def log( text, folder=None):
  # sends text to logfile, can send strings or bytes
  global _logfile_f, _debugfile_f
  if (folder):
    _logfile_f=open( path( folder, _LOGFILE),'wb')
    _debugfile_f=open( path( folder, _DEBUGFILE),'wb')
  if (text):
      text=text.encode() # convert str to utf8
    except AttributeError:
    _logfile_f.write( text + b'\n')
    debug(b'---- '+text)
def debug( text):
  # sends text to logfile, can send strings or bytes
  if (text):
      text=text.encode() # convert str to utf8
    except AttributeError:
    _debugfile_f.write( text + b'\n')

def runConversions( davFolder, mp4Folder, mergedFolder):
  log( "starting conversion", mp4Folder)
  if (ui.runDav2Mp4.get()):
    # convert all dav to mp4
    log('---- converting DAV to MP4')
    davFiles=sorted(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(('.dav','.DAV')), os.listdir(davFolder)))
    if (ui.runMergeMp4.get()):
      maxProgress=len(davFiles*2) # two passes
      maxProgress=len(davFiles) # one pass
    for file in davFiles:
      log('converting '+file+" to mp4...")
      mp4file = re.sub( r'\.[dD][aA][vV]$', '.mp4', file)
      convertDav2Mp4( path(davFolder, file), path(mp4Folder, mp4file))
      ui.addToFileList( mp4file)
      ui.updateProgress( 100.0*progress/maxProgress)
  if (ui.runMergeMp4.get()):
    # merge adjacent mp4s, build datetime subtitles
    log('---- Merging consecutive videos')
    mp4Files=sorted(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(('.mp4','.MP4','.avi','.AVI')), os.listdir(mp4Folder)))
    mergeList=[] # keep list of contiguous files and merge contiguous groups
    mergedSize=0 # track merged file size to avoid going over 2GB
    debug('DB empty mergelist')
    for file in mp4Files:
      debug('DB mergelist='+str(mergeList))
      fInfo=getVideoFileInfo( file, mp4Folder)
      if (prevFile == '' or areContiguous(file, prevFile)):
        debug('DB nearlyadj '+file)
        if (mergedSize+fInfo.fileSize < 2000000000):
          mergeList.append(file) # add to list of contiguous files
          log('merging '+file+'...')
          debug('DB too large, merge list and start new')
          # merged file would be too large, merge whats on the list and start a new one
          performMerge( mergeList, mp4Folder, mergedFolder)
          log('merging '+file+'...')
      elif (sameDatetime(file, prevFile)):
        # an anomaly has been observed: two files w the same recorded time range
        # one with _1 appended, but w different file sizes and actual durations
        # usually the smaller duration is less then the recorded time range
        # and the larger duration is greater than the recorded time range
        # neither file duration matches their file name encoded time range
        # Keep the longer file, but warn about the discrepancy in the console
        # and in the datetime subtitles
        debug('DB sametime'+file)
        prevfInfo=getVideoFileInfo( prevFile, mp4Folder)
        if (fInfo.fileSize>prevfInfo.fileSize):
          # replace the previous file with this longer version
          mergeList[-1]=file # keep the longer file
          log('merging '+file+' instead of prev file...')
          # Note possible error: this larger file could cause a merged file > 2GB
          # TODO: handle that
          log('skipping '+file)
        # non-contiguous file
        debug('DB not contig '+file)
        performMerge( mergeList, mp4Folder, mergedFolder) # merge what we have
        mergeList=[file] # start a new list with current file
        log('merging '+file+'...')
    # finish last file(s):
    performMerge( mergeList, mp4Folder, mergedFolder)
    for mp4file in sorted(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.mp4'), os.listdir(mergedFolder))):
      ui.addToFileList( mp4file)
def convertDav2Mp4( davPath, mp4Path):
  command = [FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', davPath, mp4Path]
  pipe= subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  out, err =pipe.communicate()

def areContiguous( filename, prevFilename):
  # return true if the startDatetime encoded in filename
  # is the same as the  endDateTime endoded in prevFilename
  # -- I've observed video files w duration of just 1 second
  #    so check for 2 second margin of error unless the file
  #    itself is less than 3 seconds then they have to be exact
  f1Info=getVideoFileInfo( filename)
  f2Info=getVideoFileInfo( prevFilename)
  f1StartDatetime=datetime.datetime.strptime( f1Info.namedStartTime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
  f2EndDatetime=datetime.datetime.strptime( f2Info.namedEndTime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
  timeDifference=abs((f2EndDatetime-f1StartDatetime).total_seconds()) # timedelta object
  debug('DB Nearly adjacent: file1 '+prevFilename+' time '+f2Info.namedEndTime+' vs. file2 '+filename+' time '+f1Info.namedStartTime+' = '+str(timeDifference)+'\n')
  if (f1Info.namedDuration<3):
    # must be an exact match
    return (timeDifference==0)
    return (timeDifference<=2)
def sameDatetime( filename1, filename2):
  f1Info=getVideoFileInfo( filename1)
  f2Info=getVideoFileInfo( filename2)
  return( f1Info.namedStartTime==f2Info.namedStartTime and f1Info.namedEndTime==f2Info.namedEndTime)
def performMerge( mergeList, mp4Folder, mergedFolder):
  # calc merged filename with the first file's startDatetime, the last file's endDatetime
  # merge the videos
  # create a subtitle file w one second long segments for each merged file
  #    *beware: some files are recorded wrong with different recorded durations and observed durations
  #     TODO: handle these by checking ffprobe observed duration and created dual subtitles
  # move the handled files into subdirectory 'merged/'
  # ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i filelist.txt -c copy output.mp4 (stream copy no reencoding) (filelist.txt=file file1.mp4\nfile file2.mp4\nfile file3.mp4)

  firstInfo=getVideoFileInfo( mergeList[0]) # doesnt need folder, all info is in filename
  lastInfo=getVideoFileInfo( mergeList[-1])
  debug('performMerge: '+str(mergeList))
  # create merged video:
  if (len(mergeList)>1):
    mergedMp4File = firstInfo.namedPrefix + firstInfo.namedStartTime + '_' + lastInfo.namedEndTime + '.mp4'
    mergeListTxtFile = path( mp4Folder, 'Dav2Mp4-mergelist.txt')
    debug('DB: mergeListTxtFile='+str(mergeListTxtFile)+'\n')
    with open( mergeListTxtFile,'w') as f:
      for file in mergeList:
        f.write('file \''+path( mp4Folder, file)+'\'\n')
        debug('DB:MergeListTxtFile   '+path( mp4Folder, file)+'\n')
    # DB
    #mergeListTxtFileDB = path( folder, 'Dav2Mp4-mergelist-debug.txt')
    #shutil.copy(mergeListTxtFile, mergeListTxtFileDB)
    command=[FFMPEG, '-f', 'concat', '-safe' , '0', '-i', mergeListTxtFile,
             '-y', '-c', 'copy', path(mergedFolder, mergedMp4File)]
    pipe= subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err =pipe.communicate()
    log('merged to '+mergedMp4File)
  # create subtitle file:
  # srt file: <seqid> / hh:mm:ss,ms --> hh:mm:ss,ms / text / blank
  #   hh:mm:ss is relative to start. text is absolute Datetime in human readable fmt
  # Track two simultaneous times:
  #   1) The cumulative SRT start and stop times (in seconds) for each subtitle
  #   2) The display Datetime from the surveillance camera

  subtitleFile = firstInfo.namedPrefix + firstInfo.namedStartTime + '_' + lastInfo.namedEndTime + '.srt'
  log('building timestamp subtitle file '+subtitleFile)
  with open( path( mergedFolder, subtitleFile), 'w') as f2:
    for file in mergeList:
      videoFileInfo = getVideoFileInfo( file, mp4Folder)
      # displayStartTime = videoFileInfo.namedStartTimeObj (datetime.datetime)
      for fileTime in range(0, int(videoFileInfo.videoDuration+1.0)):
        if ((fileTime+0.999)<=videoFileInfo.videoDuration):
          # count in 1 second intervals
          # except at the end of the file end at the exact finish
        srtStartHours, srtStartRem=(srtStart//3600, srtStart%3600)
        srtStartMins, srtStartSecs=(srtStartRem//60, srtStartRem%60)
        srtEndHours, srtEndRem=(srtEnd//3600, srtEnd%3600)
        srtEndMins, srtEndSecs=(srtEndRem//60, srtEndRem%60)
        srtTimeDisplay='{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d},{:03d} --> {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d},{:03d}'.format(
          int(srtStartHours), int(srtStartMins), int(srtStartSecs), int(srtStartMillis*1000),
          int(srtEndHours), int(srtEndMins), int(srtEndSecs), int(srtEndMillis*1000))
        displayDateTimeObj = videoFileInfo.namedStartTimeObj + datetime.timedelta(seconds=fileTime)
        displayDateTimeStr = displayDateTimeObj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
      srtTime+=videoFileInfo.videoDuration+0.001 # Next file start time
  # TODO: option to burn subtitles: ffmpeg -cf

  # note: if its just one file, no merge happened, just copy file
  if (len(mergeList)==1):
    shutil.copy2( path(mp4Folder, file), path(mergedFolder, file))

def getVideoFileInfo( file, folder=''):
  # get info from DAV coded filename
  # if optional path is included get 'expensive' info from file itself
  # filename = <CAM>_<StartyyyymmddhhMMss>_<EndyyyymmddhhMMss>{_1}.mp4
  # dateTime= <yyyymmddhhMMss>
  namedPrefix, namedStartTimeStr, namedEndTimeStr = re.match(r'(.*)(\d{14})[-_ ](\d{14})', file).groups() 
  namedStartTimeObj = datetime.datetime.strptime( namedStartTimeStr, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
  namedEndTimeObj = datetime.datetime.strptime( namedEndTimeStr, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
  namedDuration=(namedEndTimeObj-namedStartTimeObj).total_seconds()+1 # timedelta to float
  if (folder):
    command=[FFPROBE,'-v', 'quiet', '-print_format',
             '-show_entries', 'format=duration', path( folder, file)]
    pipe=subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    videoDuration, err = pipe.communicate()
    fileSize=os.path.getsize( path(folder, file))
  videoFileInfo = collections.namedtuple('videoFileInfo', ['namedPrefix', 'namedStartTime', 'namedEndTime', 'namedStartTimeObj', 'namedEndTimeObj', 'namedDuration', 'fileSize', 'videoDuration'])
  return videoFileInfo( namedPrefix, namedStartTimeStr, namedEndTimeStr, namedStartTimeObj, namedEndTimeObj, namedDuration, fileSize, videoDuration)

class UI(Frame):
  def __init__(self, master=None):
    Frame.__init__(self, master)
  def davBrowser(self):
    folder = filedialog.askdirectory(title="Choose folder with DAV video files", mustexist=1)
    if folder:
      for file in sorted(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(('.dav','.DAV')), os.listdir(folder))):
         self.fileList.insert( "end", file+"\n")
  def updateProgress(self, progress):
  def mp4Browser(self):
    folder = filedialog.askdirectory(title="Choose folder for MP4/AVI video files", mustexist=0)
    if folder:
      for file in sorted(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(('.mp4','.MP4','.avi','.AVI')), os.listdir(folder))):
         self.fileList.insert( "end", file+"\n")
  def mergedBrowser(self):
    folder = filedialog.askdirectory(title="Choose folder to save merged MP4 video files", mustexist=0)
    if folder:
  def clearFileList(self):
  def addToFileList(self, text):
    self.fileList.insert("end", text+"\n")
  def convertHandler(self):
    if (self.runDav2Mp4.get() and not self.davFolder.get()):
      messagebox.showerror("Error", "Select folder with DAV video files to convert")
    elif (self.runDav2Mp4.get() and not self.mp4Folder.get()):
      messagebox.showerror("Error", "Select folder to save MP4 video files")
    elif (self.runMergeMp4.get() and not self.mp4Folder.get()):
      messagebox.showerror("Error", "Select folder with MP4 or AVI video files to merge")
    elif (self.runMergeMp4.get() and not self.mergedFolder.get()):
      messagebox.showerror("Error", "Select folder to save merged MP4 video files")
      if self.processingState==0: # I call update from inside the loop, catch thread-unsafe call
        # ghost Convert button. Add 'spinner' widget/dialog w cancel button
        runConversions( self.davFolder.get(), self.mp4Folder.get(), self.mergedFolder.get())

  def log(self, message):
    self.consoleLog.insert('end', message+'\n')
  def create_widgets(self):
    # [header]
    # [DavLabel][DavFolder][DavBrowseButton][Mp4Label][Mp4Folder][Mp4BrowseButton]
    # [DavFileList] [convertButton] [Mp4FileList]
    # [progressBar]
    # [consoleLog]

    # main layout:
    self.header = ttk.Label(self, text="Convert surveillance cam DAV video to standard MP4 video")
    self.header.pack(padx=3, pady=3)
    # DAV folder selector:
    self.DavSelector = ttk.Frame(self)
    self.davFolderLabel = ttk.Label(self.DavSelector, text="DAV folder:")
    # TODO: add onChange handler for entry widget
    self.davFolderEntry = ttk.Entry(self.DavSelector, width=0, textvariable=self.davFolder)
    self.davBrowseButton = ttk.Button(self.DavSelector, text="Browse", command=self.davBrowser)
    self.davBrowseButton.pack(side="left", padx=3)
    # MP4 folder selector:
    self.mp4Selector = ttk.Frame(self)
    self.mp4FolderLabel = ttk.Label(self.mp4Selector, text="MP4/AVI folder:")
    # TODO: add onChange handler for entry widget
    self.mp4FolderEntry = ttk.Entry(self.mp4Selector, width=0, textvariable=self.mp4Folder)
    self.mp4BrowseButton = ttk.Button(self.mp4Selector, text="Browse", command=self.mp4Browser)
    self.mp4BrowseButton.pack(side="left", padx=3)

    # Merged folder selector:
    self.mergedSelector = ttk.Frame(self)
    self.mergedFolderLabel = ttk.Label(self.mergedSelector, text="Merged MP4 folder:")
    # TODO: add onChange handler for entry widget
    self.mergedFolderEntry = ttk.Entry(self.mergedSelector, width=0, textvariable=self.mergedFolder)
    self.mergedBrowseButton = ttk.Button(self.mergedSelector, text="Browse", command=self.mergedBrowser)
    self.mergedBrowseButton.pack(side="left", padx=3)
    # pass checkboxes:
    self.passSelections = ttk.Frame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
    self.passSelections.pack(fill=X, pady=3)
    self.checkRunDav2Mp4 = ttk.Checkbutton(self.passSelections, text="convert DAVs to MP4 w ffmpeg", variable=self.runDav2Mp4)
    #self.dummy = ttk.Checkbutton(self.passSelections, text="convert DAVs to AVI w BahamaSecurity", state=DISABLED)
    #self.dummy = ttk.Checkbutton(self.passSelections, text="convert DAVs to AVI w DahuaSDK", state=DISABLED)
    self.checkRunMergeMp4 = ttk.Checkbutton(self.passSelections, text="Merge contiguous MP4s/AVIs and make timestamp subtitles", variable=self.runMergeMp4)
    # GO button and Progress bar
    self.progressFrame = ttk.Frame(self)
    self.convertButton = ttk.Button(self.progressFrame, text="Convert=>", command=self.convertHandler)
    self.convertButton.pack(side="left", padx=3)
    self.progressBar = ttk.Progressbar(self.progressFrame,
      mode="determinate", orient="horizontal",
      maximum=100.0, value=0.0, variable=self.progressVar)
    self.progressBar.pack(fill=X, padx=3, pady=5)
    # Files list and console/log text:
    self.fileList = tkst.ScrolledText(self, width=10, height=3, state='disabled')
    self.consoleLog = tkst.ScrolledText(self, width=10, height=3, state='disabled')

root = Tk()
ui = UI(master=root)
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